iLEAD Agua Dulce Box Tops for Education
Box Tops for Education

Are you interested in running the Box Tops for Education program for us? We are looking for a parent or guardian to collect these monthly, trim them, and submit them.Read More

Upcoming Events

Click here to see the school calendar for more information. Upcoming Events December 3rd-7th: MAP Testing December 5th: Second grade “My Place in This World” POL December 7th: 5TH andRead More

Message from the Director

Hello Families, We hope that all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families and a restful time off. Everyone had such a great time at our Multicultural Feast,Read More

Update About Winter Program and POLs

Dear Families, Originally, our winter program was set for Friday, Dec. 7th. However, we found that this day conflicts with our 5th and 6th grade Presentation of Learning. Our 5thRead More

Get the Dirt on Our Dirt

Our gardens are close to completion and we cannot wait to see the fruits of the learners’ labor! While our 1st and 2nd grade learners have been working with professionalRead More

We’re All Cooped Up

Because of donations and our amazing family community, our school chicken coop is near completion. The 3rd-6th grade learners have worked hard collaborating and designing the coop, and applying theirRead More

Parking Lot and Valet Safety

For the safety of all of our families and to keep the flow of traffic moving, please adhere to the following valet procedures: Pull up to the furthest drop-off/pick-up point.Read More

iLEAD Agua Dulce Sports
Lace Up for Sports at iLEAD Agua Dulce

Our winter sports are coming up, and we are excited to offer Pee Wee (K-3), Elementary (4-6) Boys Basketball, and Elementary (4-6) Girls Soccer. Teams are tentative, contingent on havingRead More

iLEAD Agua Dulce Box Tops for Education
Box Tops for Education

Are you interested in running the Box Tops for Education program for us? We are looking for a parent or guardian to collect these monthly, trim them, and submit them.Read More

Upcoming Events

Click here to see the school calendar for more information. Upcoming Events November 16th: Multicultural Feast 11 a.m. November 19th-23rd: Fall Break December 7th: Winter Production 10 a.m.

Message from the Director

Hello Families, We want to make sure that all of you are receiving your Weekly Update from your child’s facilitator. These updates keep you informed of what is taking placeRead More

Get the Dirt on Our Dirt

Our gardens are close to completion and we cannot wait to see the fruits of the learners’ labor! While our 1st and 2nd grade learners have been working with professionalRead More

Join Us for a Multicultural Feast

It is a tradition at iLEAD Schools to gather together and celebrate our diversity and culture. Please join us on Friday, November 16th, at 11 a.m., for our inaugural MulticulturalRead More

We’re All Cooped Up

Because of donations and our amazing family community, our school chicken coop is near completion. The 3rd-6th grade learners have worked hard collaborating and designing the coop, and applying theirRead More

Enter the 2019 DreamUp Mission Patch Competition

Hey learners, you’re invited to support iLEAD Aerospace Projects and enter the 2019 DreamUp Mission Patch Design Competition. Check out the flier below, and ask your facilitator for more detailsRead More

iLEAD Agua Dulce Events
After-School Clubs Update

Due to the high demand for our Just Imagine Reading Club and Math Ninjas, we are now offering these clubs separate each week. Just Imagine Reading Club will now beRead More

Parking Lot and Valet Safety

For the safety of all of our families and to keep the flow of traffic moving, please adhere to the following valet procedures: Pull up to the furthest drop-off/pick-up point.Read More

iLEAD Agua Dulce Sports
Lace Up for Sports at iLEAD Agua Dulce

Our winter sports are coming up, and we are excited to offer Pee Wee (K-3), Elementary (4-6) Boys Basketball, and Elementary (4-6) Girls Soccer. Teams are tentative, contingent on havingRead More

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