
At iLEAD Agua Dulce, you will find a school that prioritizes a positive, supportive, and inviting environment where our students (learners) can focus on their development. In addition to academic excellence, we are committed to supporting learners’ development of emotional intelligence, life skills, and community engagement. Our teachers (facilitators) and Success Coaches are devoted to providing learners with the best academic and emotional support by way of small class sizes and individualized attention.

Over more than a decade, iLEAD Schools have built a new school model that is driven by what we believe to be a combination of the best of all that is out there. Founded with one school (SCVi) in 2008, we now have seat-based campuses in Santa Clarita Valley, Lancaster, and Agua Dulce. iLEAD also has strident homeschool, online, and independent study programs. We’re passionate about project-based learning because it goes to the very heart of how children learn, and we thoroughly incorporate technology as an organic part of the 21st-century learning process. For more information on iLEAD Schools, click here.

We want our learners to think for themselves. Doing this requires a grounding in the arts, in design, and in humanities, as well as the need to feel at home in the world.

Our goal is nothing short of learning, to change the world.